Art Collections
Your art is close to your heart. And to ours.
You are an art collector and have invested a great deal of time and passion in your collection. You are an owner or a curator of a corporate collection and form the company image by your cultural activities. You are an art consultant and look after private and corporate collections.
Regardless of whether the collection is currently built up or already «complete». Wether at home or on your company premises, in your holiday home, at a restorer, framer or photographer or on loan at an exhibition.
The accurART Fine Art Insurance Policy
The insurance coverage of an accurART fine art insurance policy protects you from financial and emotional surprises.
Where an artwork has been destroyed or stolen, the accurART all-risk coverage compensates the loss. If your art object is damaged, we take care of the best possible restoration. If, however, a depreciation remains, this will also be compensated for.
Not an off-the-peg Fine Art Insurance
We do not offer any off-the-peg fine art insurance. Every art collection is unique, every art collector has individual needs. We take care of them and find the optimum balance between cost and coverage together with you.
We tip the scales with our many years’ experience and our network within the fine art insurance market.
Because your art is close to your heart. And to ours.

Wassily Kandinsky, Skala [Scale, Gamme], 1928 , Louisiana Museum of Modern Art
Donation: The Joseph and Celia Ascher Collection, New York